Book Marketing and Publishing Tips for Authors

Newsletter Issue #336 – June 5, 2024
Publisher: Judith Briles

Practical Publishing Advice and Guidance for Authors
Create. Strategize. Develop. Publish. Achieve.

In this Issue

1.  Author Tips & Tools ... Discover CLEANPNG

2.  Author Benefit ...Pro Audio Voices

3.  Author Webinar … Book Positioning

4. Hot podcasts for June … Add to your calendar and listen

5. Salons … June and July are available to register

6. Question of the Week … What is swag?

7. Book Shepherd "Smile" of the Week … uptown funk

This Week Under The Book Shepherd’s ® Roof
Hello and Good Publishing Day to YOU … and
It’s two weeks and counting from knee surgery, three times a week for physical therapy and loving, LOVING the panaroma that my deck trees display.
This Saturday is Author Salon time – both in person (9am MT) and online (7am MT) are a go. The Author Salons are for AuthorU members only. Join us … here’s the link:

When I’m in my—it’s OK to have a slug day—which post surgery can bring, John and I discovered Sugar on Apple TV+—all eight episodes. Hope that a season two will follow.

The AuthorU community will be doing a special webinar with Bublish on the 20th. There’s a nifty tool you will want to grab. Details will be posted next week for you to register.

Author Louis Sauvain will do a short offering via the Amazon portal to grab Book1, Thaddeus of Beewicke tomorrow through Saturday. Louis is an excellent writer and a storytellery who has just finished Book 5 in the ongoing series for fall reading. Grab your free copy here tomorrow … and they buy the following books. It’s a books fall open and the reader falls in time.
Don’t forget to check out my new site. is totally dedicated to just my writing. And I’ll be introduction my new Judith’s Readers Circle—one of the goodies I’ll be giving aways is a mini cookbook of some of my personal recipes. Join and download it. I’m already getting feedback from those who are using the recipes I shared.

It’s Authors’ Success Month Month all during June. Are you ready to keep your momentum going? In June, my new posters will focus on Author Success Month with your own Author’s Walk.

Kudos for our podcast, AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing … I’m honored that our podcast is ranked in the TOP 10 podcasts for book marketing for authors by Mashable and Feedspot.
Are you getting my Tuesday and Saturday BLOGS? Tuesday is about info and meaty—all designed for your author and publishing success. Saturday is about chewy and rejuicing. Read in less than minute. Make sure you are registered to get them:
Reminder ... AuthorYOU members the June second Saturday AuthorYOU Salon is slated for Saturday, the 8th. ONLINE or IN-PERSON
This week, the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast focuses on workbooks that support your book and expertise. Parchelle Tashi joins me to dive into creating Digital Workbooks—for both fiction and nonfiction.

Have you subscribed to my new YouTube author and publishing tips channel? Always less than three minutes … a new one pops up five days a week, Monday through Friday. Become a subscriber and take a peek—there are already 190 short videos posted:
Love hearing from so many readers of my Be a Doer ... Not a Dreamer Saturday blog with this past week’s—the focus was your personal energy ... read it:
Have you ever explored the network website where I store all my podcasts? … Holy Moly … over 18 million downloads now of various podcasts since the podcast started six years ago.
You can select which podcast is for you from over 600 shows … the latest will always be posted on top of the podcast home page: ... it goes directly to the Show Page, where you can view all podcasts at once—just scroll … you’ve got a lot to pick from to expand your learning and how to curve.

Add these to your calendar now. Details will all be posted under the Events tab on the website.

1. June 6 Podcast – Digital Workbooks

2. June 8 AuthorYOU Salons –ONLINE Only -AuthorYOU members only

3. June 13 Podcast – Book Signings and Events

4. June 20 Podcast – AI and Publishing

5. June 27 Podcast – 15 Author and Publishing Snafus to Avoid

6. July 13 AuthorYOU Salons – ONLINE ONLY - AuthorYOU members only

7. August 3 BBQ

8. August 4 BN BookFair Briargate, Colorado Springs, CO

9. August 7, 14, 21, 28 Amazon Bestseller workshops

10. August 10 AuthorYOU Salons –ONLINE & ON-PERSON - AuthorYOU members only

AuthorYOU members the June second Saturday AuthorYOU Salon is slated for Saturday, the 8th, ONLINE or IN-PERSON from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. MT. Remember, there must be a minimum of five participants outside of me if they are registered by Friday noon, the day before. If not, I will cancel. Info is below … you need to be registered to attend.

I love mentoring authors, and their books, and supporting their vision. If you want intense, one-on-one time with me over a several-month period PLUS the ability to call me or email with a quick response, join my Mentor Program. There is ONE spot open —if you want an accelerated six months that deals with your infrastructure; your influence building; your what? … this may be the missing ingredient in your mix.
Want tips for Authoring, Marketing and Publishing?
Each month, you will get a variety of topics on our monthly podcast. Never a repeat program … always fresh, listen in. ...Every Tuesday, a new blog is posted. On Wednesdays, a new edition of this newsletter. On Thursdays, a new podcast. SHARE THEM with your author friends.

Stay involved—if you don’t, it’s a publishing boo-boo. AuthorYOU promises its members a lot and delivers more. And wait ‘til you see the bundle of goodies and discounts we are starting to post on the website for Members only. All will be up before the end of the month. Yup, it’s a good idea. Not a paid-up member? JOIN or RENEW AuthorYOU today.
Benefits galore.   

1 Discover CLEANPNG

Want some royalty PGNs for your posts, blogs, workbooks … whatever? Discover CLEANPNG --- your visual sky is the limit here with so much to choose from. Suggest you got to it with a "laundry list" of ideas and start downloading to your image file to use for a later time. Fun. FREE
2 Meet Pro Audio Voices and Becky Parker Geist
Phone: 415-559-9273 Audiobook Connection podcast: Audiobook Connection: Behind the Scenes with the Creative Teams

YouTube: Audiobook Authors YouTube channel

Audiobook Production: Pre-production (including innovative ways to leverage your audiobook from the inside out) and casting through distribution; all genres including single narrator, author-narrated, full cast, and everything in between

Audiobook Marketing: several offerings including AMPlify (direct distribution of your audiobook with higher royalties and more control), Audiograms (mini videos for social media), the Audiobook Marketing Program™ (custom marketing plan, assets, a team, and more) and more

Podcast Production: Planning, production, and implementation, whether your audiobook as a serial podcast or a hosted ongoing podcast.

VIP AuthorYOU Members get a free 30–45-minute strategy session.

3 Author Webinar … Book Positioning

What Is Book Positioning and Why Does It Matter?

In this one-hour webinar, you'll learn about book positioning—one of the most critical but also one of the most overlooked steps in the publishing process.

You'll learn the necessary steps to position your book for optimal discoverability and sales as well as how to do important research to inform your decisions throughout the positioning process.

Finally, you'll learn the best time is to position your book and how effective positioning informs a professional publishing timeline and process. And, of course, we'll leave time at the end to answer your questions.

Registration will open next week …
  Hot podcasts slated for June
Ranked in the Top 10 podcasts for book marketing for authors by FeedSpot.
June 6  Digital Workbooks - Parchelle Tashi

June 13 Book Signings and Events - Judith Briles

June 20 AI and Publishing - Kathy Meis

June 27 15 Hot Author Tips – Rebecca Finkle and   Judith Briles
You can always listen in via our websites: (click on the On the Air image on the Home page—wait for it to upload. Or (click on the Resources tab).

Listen in at: or via YouTube:

AuthorYOU Salons for June - July
Question of the Week ... What is "swag" and should I have some?

Answer: NOW! Swag—your giveaways that augment who you are or your book can be fun … they can be serious. Swag can be very inexpensive or have more of a cost to them and be used as "tools" that can be sold as an additional product. Business cards are swag, as bookmarks are. Both are usually given away freely … but a bookmark can be "dressed up" –adding a type of small toy to one for a children’s book that is only given if the book is bought. Children’s author Linda Rae Schaal includes a finger puppet with her books and sells additional ones as addons. Her table has plenty of stickers of characters in her books to take away. YA author Natli VanDerWerken displays a plate of mini dragons that kids get to pick from if a book from her dragon series is purchased. Suspense thriller author Katherine Burlake loves pens and freely offers them. I always have my emery boards plus book markets and noodling a special bookmarker that will be given to only those who buy books.

Swag is a great add on for book sign displays. It’s a way to standout and customize who you are and what you offer. Think magnet.

Smile of the Week Love it when I find a fun shorty—a quick smile, a laugh out loud, a learn something new, and a sip of tea … and back to work—perfect. Smile time— and dancing. Get your dancing shoes on with the old stars and a little uptown funk:

Enjoy a few minutes … and ooh and ahh … my two bits.

Get your copy today – it’s my life on steroids … earning a Baker’s Dozen plus ONE in book awards. Now Available in Print, eBook, Audiobook.
You can pick my brain … minimum time is 30 minutes. If you need one-on-one-time with me, I’m always open for a few minutes to give you some quick input. But, and it’s a BIG BUT, many call and expect far more than a few minutes.

This is called a "consult" and I would be delighted to schedule time with you for "just you and your many questions" that need answers. You can book time with me it at:

Author Friendly Friday this week …

Join Author Friendly Fridays: a fun, sharing and a dynamic closed group. You can join in the next week. It’s a full hour when you can ask questions—any question. And, I always include a few strategies to get your authoring life ahead of the competition.

It’s for paid subscribers ONLY and we do it on Zoom.

This is how each call starts: I share a few strategies, tips and tools that attendees can immediately start to use. All share … and ask plenty of questions. They get answers. Definitely an excellent way to start a Friday. Those of you who aren’t participating, you are making a mistake. I love the variety of books and authors who have chosen to participate. What’s also fun, is the energy that can be felt with what everyone is working on. Love it!

Here’s the link to take advantage of it and subscribe:

Podcast expands to 11 networks … Follow us and learn …
new shows every Thursday.

GO to the SHOW page and select which podcast is for you… the latest will always be posted on top:

And, if you have listened, support our podcast and post a review. Thank you!

The AuthorU – Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast is now heard on eleven podcast channels. How cool is that? Listeners can tune into the weekly (always new – no repeats) show on:
Get the latest #AuthorU-Your Guide to #Book #Publishing radio podcast with @MyBookShepherd via iTunes here:

That’s my author and publishing news for today … what’s yours?
About Judith Briles, The Book Shepherd

Book Publishing expert Judith Briles, aka The Book Shepherd
has shepherded more than 1,000 authors and created 500 best-sellers and award-winning books. She knows publishing inside and out from both the traditional and independent sides. Judith is an advocate for authors within her blogs, podcasts and speaking engagements. What’s her pet peeve? Two words: publishing predators.

She hosts the podcast AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing that generates over 250,000 downloads a month. Her website is www.TheBookShepherd, email: and phone: 303-885-2207.

©2024 Judith Briles - The Book Shepherd™ All Rights Reserved.

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