Book Marketing and Publishing Tips for Authors

Newsletter Issue #326– March 27, 2024
Publisher: Judith Briles

Practical Publishing Advice and Guidance for Authors
Create. Strategize. Develop. Publish. Achieve.

In this Issue

1.  Author Tips & Tools ... Definitely discover Commons WikiMedia

2.  Author Benefit ... Meet 3. Author Success ... Register for Speaking Unplugged in May

4. April Spring Tea … Come to our author and book party. A freebie.

5. Hot podcasts for March … Add to your calendar and listen

6. Salons … April and May are set up

7. Question of the Week …
Are book signings worth my time?

8. Book Shepherd “Smile” of the Week … Kitty Cat fun

9. Book Shepherd “Smile” of the Week … Weird cats
This Week Under The Book Shepherd’s ® Roof
Hello and Good Publishing Day to YOU … and
Tic … Tic … Tic … the Aspiring Author clock is approaching the bewitching hour. If you are an UNPUBLISHED author and desire setting the stage for publishing and writing success, submit for the Aspiring Authors Scholarships now. Do you know someone who is UNPLUBLISHED and wants to enter the author ring? Get them to submit their applications NOW.

You have
5 days to submit your entry. Details HERE:

Kudos to Cathy Connally and Charley Best as a Foreword Indies Finalist for their amazing travel and foodie cookbook Siciliy: Flavour with Benefits: Sicily & Calabria. Winners will be announced in June. For indie authors, Foreword Indies is a major honor. It’s one of my favorite books published last year.
And huge kudos to clients Howard Becker, author of The Spiritual Mean of Scripture and David Sovine writing as Louise Sauvain and his Book 4, Thaddeus and the Ancient One. Both enjoyed successful runs for their books, grabbing the honor of Amazon Bestseller over multiple days in multiple categories.
This ‘n That …
Amazon is now requiring image-only ebooks, such as comic books, to be uploaded in a fixed-layout format.

From KDP: “To ensure a great reader experience, KDP now requires eBook manuscripts containing only images, including images of text, to be uploaded in a fixed layout. If you upload an image-only eBook manuscript, you'll see an error message in title setup. To publish image-only eBooks on KDP, you can use Kindle Create to change your file to a fixed layout such as a comic or print replica. Alternatively, you can re-format your manuscript so that it contains reflowable text, which allows readers to use adjustable text features like font size and typeface for a personalized reading experience.”

Enough, I am thinking. Snow again Monday, this time with a doozy of ice sheets layered across the driveway.

The April B&N Bookfairs will be finalized today. Grateful for the support B&N has given to the Authors Hall of Fame since its inception.

Author Salons are set up for April and May ... both Online gatherings and In-Person. If you aren’t participating in these … you are missing out big time on your author success and connecting with other authors. Register on the Meetup site:

My Book Publishing Unplugged is ready to go for both online and in-person the weekend Look forward to it. Already planning for Speaking unplugged in May.

Calling all book lovers in Colorado … the Authors’ Book Tea will be held on Saturday afternoon, April 27 in my home from 1 to 4 pm. Suggest you add a HOLD to the date to come and enjoy …
Reminder ... AuthorYOU members the April second Saturday AuthorYOU Salon is slated for Saturday, the 13th.
This week on the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast, Media expert Andrea Pass joins Judith for a fast hour with tips to enhance what you are doing to connect with the media. Listen in.
Have you subscribed to my new YouTube author and publishing tips channel? Always less than three minutes … a new one pops up five days a week, Monday through Friday. Become a subscriber and take a peek—there are already 190 short videos posted:

If becoming an Amazon bestseller is on your To Do list this year, get signed up for my next series of classes that starts in June. Details on under events.

Love hearing from so many readers of my Be a Doer ... Not a Dreamer Saturday blog with this past week’s—the focus was your personal energy ... read it:
Have you ever explored the network website where I store all my podcasts? … Holy Moly … over 16 million downloads now of various podcasts since the podcast started six years ago.
You can select which podcast is for you from over 600 shows … the latest will always be posted on top of the podcast home page: ... it goes directly to the Show Page, where you can view all podcasts at once—just scroll … you’ve got a lot to pick from to expand your learning and how to curve.

Add these to your calendar now. Details will all be posted under the Events tab on the website.

1. March 6, 13, 20, 27 Amazon Bestseller Workshops

2. March 28 Podcast … Publicity Moxie for You and Your Website

3. March 29 Book Publishing Unplugged ONLINE

4. March 30 Book Publishing Unplugged IN-PERSON

5. April 4 Podcast … Hot Tips and Tricks for Authors

6. April 6 AuthorYOU program ONLINE—TBD

7. April 10 Author Happy Hour – Meet Kathy Gear … adventure and historic author

8. April 11 Podcast … Social Media Strategies and Tips with BookBrush

9. April 13 AuthorYOU Salons –ONLINE & ON-PERSON - AuthorYOU members only

10. April 18 Podcast … Conscious Author and Publishing Success

11. April 20 BN BookFair – Colorado Blvd., Glendale CO

12. April 25 Podcast … Creating Podcast Success as a Guest

13. April 27 Author Spring Book Tea IN-PERSON

14. April 28 BN BookFair Southlands Mall, Aurora CO

15. May 8 Author Happy Hour – Kathy Gear

16. May 11 AuthorYOU Salons –ONLINE Only - AuthorYOU members only

17. May 11 BN BookFair – West Village, Lakewood

18. May 17 Speaking Unplugged ONLINE

19. May 18 Speaking Unplugged IN-PERSON

20. June 8 AuthorYOU Salons –ONLINE & ON-PERSON - AuthorYOU members only

21. June 5, 12, 19, 26
Amazon Bestseller

22. June 12
Author Happy Hour –

23. November 15-22 Writing at Sea at Sea Cruise

AuthorYOU members the April second Saturday AuthorYOU Salon is slated for Saturday, the 13th, In-Person and ONLINE only from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. MT. Remember, there must be a minimum of five participants outside of me if they are registered by Friday noon, the day before. If not, I will cancel. Info is below … you need to be registered to attend.

I love mentoring authors, and their books, and supporting their vision. If you want intense, one-on-one time with me over a several-month period PLUS the ability to call me or email with a quick response, join my Mentor Program. There is ONE spot open —if you want an accelerated six months that deals with your infrastructure; your influence building; your what? … this may be the missing ingredient in your mix.
Want tips for Authoring, Marketing and Publishing?
Each month, you will get a variety of topics on our monthly podcast. Never a repeat program … always fresh, listen in. ...Every Tuesday, a new blog is posted. On Wednesdays, a new edition of this newsletter. On Thursdays, a new podcast. SHARE THEM with your author friends.

Stay involved—if you don’t, it’s a publishing boo-boo. AuthorYOU promises its members a lot and delivers more. And wait ‘til you see the bundle of goodies and discounts we are starting to post on the website for Members only. All will be up before the end of the month. Yup, it’s a good idea. Not a paid-up member? JOIN or RENEW AuthorYOU today.
Benefits galore.   

1 Discover Commons WikiMedia

This was posted last week and worth repeating … the array of images are unique and a must have for your marketing toolbox. I’ve used the site over a dozen times in the last week. A great find.
Dive into a collection of 104,192,108 freely usable media files to which anyone can contribute – videos included.
2 Meet Total Printing Systems
Meg Souza, Marketing Manager
Phone: 800-465-5200 or 734-507-1148  E-mail: Website:

Total Printing Systems is committed to pushing technology further, utilizing the strengths of technology, and combining those strengths with over 25 years of experience in the book manufacturing industry. The result of this combination of technology and experience has brought Total Printing Systems to the forefront of the digital book manufacturing industry.

Total Printing Systems does not just refer to you as a customer. We consider every business opportunity a chance to establish a long-term partnership. Our goal is loftier at Total Printing Systems than the traditional customer-supplier model in this industry. We want to establish new friendships as well. Our customers become print partners.

Our print partners range from young to well-seasoned, from micro publishers to large Fortune 500 companies. Whether you have one title or are an established publisher with tens of thousands of titles, you can have confidence in Total Printing Systems as a capable, cost-effective, and conscientious candidate for the management of your project.

Author Success Time …
Speaking Unplugged

Online – May 17
In-Person – May 18
Would you like to know how powerful you, your book, and experiences are and how they can influence and change others one word at a time? Would you like to turn your book, your ideas, and your mouth into a business that creates a lifestyle woven with travel, fun, global friends, and financial success?

You can with the smart and savvy strategies, you will reveal in this interactive and fun intensive workshop. With over 35 years of speaking on the platform, Dr. Judith Briles will show you how to become a successful professional speaker … a speaker that will soar your book sales. Since the 80s, speaking has been her #1 way to sell books … over 1,000,000 of them!

Would you like to turn the book you have or are creating into a money machine that cements your expertise and authoring success?
Would you be willing to trade just ONE day to get all the how-to and strategies from someone who spent over 35 years on the speaking platform … someone who generated in excess of $5,000,000 in combined speaking fees and book sales that will be generated directly from speaking gigs? You can …
Don’t delay: All previous Unplugged Speaking Experiences were SOLD OUT!

Your guide and mentor is Dr. Judith Briles, the author 45 books, publishing expert, and podcast host.

Your day will change your authoring life

Experience a full day of Judith … NO pitches to buy other “stuff”, just Judith Briles Speaking Unplugged delivering an amazing depth of speaking and marketing information that she has derived from her 35-plus years as a professional speaker that has taken her to 12 countries—from Finland to Brazil and all 50 states.

Are you ready to create the speech that will get you booked and re-booked … get the answers to the questions you have … all of them? Judith is the master book publishing coach and guide.

Reserve Your Spot NOW at

Come to the Spring Authors’ Tea
It’s that time of the year for many of my favorite people: Authors!
The Annual Authors’ Spring Tea will be held on:

Saturday, April 27, 2024

You and your friends are invited …

It’s the annual Author Holiday Tea where several Colorado Authors do a “show and tell,” offering their wonderful books on a perfect afternoon surrounded by cool people and delectable food. And it’s FREE. The catch: you need to RSVP … and, you can bring friends—we will have books for everyone … PLUS books are the ideal gift—think kids, your friends … how about YOU? And we will have free, new books to give away.

Here’s what’s happening …

When: SATURDAY, April 27th   
Time: 1 – 4 pm
Where: Judith Briles’ home:

Heritage Eagle Bend Club gate code will be sent to you when you register or by the author host who invited you.
8122 S Quatar Circle, Aurora CO 80016

The April Treat: 15 authors sharing with you about their books and who they are in 30 seconds each. All books will be displayed on tables for your perusal and to talk, get them signed and talk with the authors.

Books are IDEAL gifts … for yourself, for others. All will be priced at less than what you can buy them on Amazon. Authors will be signing—some books even come with ribbons! We have books for guys, gals, and kids! Plus, tables are laden with tasty goodies. YUMMERS!

RSVP by Registering on Judith’s website it’s a FREEBIE and a perfect way to spend a few hours on a Saturday afternoon as the Holidays are quickly approaching. Do invite your friends to come as well—the more, the merrier! We just want to make sure that we have plenty of food. 

Replay … 60 Tips+ in 90 Minutes from 6 Publishing Pros
The round robin of publishing and writing pros: writing coach and narrator Mara Purl, book and cover designer Nick Zelinger, editor Barb Wilson, audio wizard Richard Rieman, book review seeker Rox Burkey, and the Book Shepherd Judith Briles shared, revealed, and inspired participants for100 minutes on Saturday. A perfect March Irish Good Luck charm!

Here’s the REPLAY … lucky you.

It’s AuthorYOU’s Leap Year Author Success Gift to you.

Hot podcasts slated for March
Ranked in the Top 10 podcasts for book marketing for authors by FeedSpot.
March 7 Being Seen and Sold – Claudine Wolk

March 14 Creating Your Ultimate Opt-in Judith Briles

March 21  Creativity Juice for Authors and Writers – Melody Jones

March 28 PR Power for Authors – Andrea Pass
You can always listen in via our websites: (click on the On the Air image on the Home page—wait for it to upload. Or (click on the Resources tab).

Listen in at: or via YouTube:

AuthorYOU Salons for April-May
Question of the Week ... I’m a visual learner. Any suggestions for learning about social media?
Answer:  Maybe … maybe not. It depends on what YOU do to bring people in … to make it an event … memorable … and yes, fun. If you do, they are definitely worth your time. Create a press release and send it to your weekly newspaper in your area. Make sure you add it to the ‘Events’ section. Add it to your local Next Door and post it in any Meetup groups you belong to. Create multiple social media posts. Create posters with your books to “Meet you at …” And make sure you include the Twitter handle for the host location. Shout out everywhere! Trust me, it will get behind you when they visually see the work you doing for the event. Bookstores typically order in the books. The wise author carries an extra case in the car for refills if needed. Make sure that they are the same ISBN that the store carries.
Smile of the Week Love it when I find a fun shorty—a quick smile, a laugh out loud, a learn something new, and a sip of tea … and back to work—perfect. Smile time enjoy Kitty Salon - Super cute kitten baby cat having SPA treatment full service

Get your copy today – it’s my life on steroids … earning a Baker’s Dozen plus ONE in book awards. Now Available in Print, eBook, Audiobook.
You can pick my brain … minimum time is 30 minutes. If you need one-on-one-time with me, I’m always open for a few minutes to give you some quick input. But, and it’s a BIG BUT, many call and expect far more than a few minutes.

This is called a “consult” and I would be delighted to schedule time with you for “just you and your many questions” that need answers. You can book time with me it at:

Author Friendly Friday this week …

Join Author Friendly Fridays: a fun, sharing and a dynamic closed group. You can join in the next week. It’s a full hour when you can ask questions—any question. And, I always include a few strategies to get your authoring life ahead of the competition.

It’s for paid subscribers ONLY and we do it on Zoom.

This is how each call starts: I share a few strategies, tips and tools that attendees can immediately start to use. All share … and ask plenty of questions. They get answers. Definitely an excellent way to start a Friday. Those of you who aren’t participating, you are making a mistake. I love the variety of books and authors who have chosen to participate. What’s also fun, is the energy that can be felt with what everyone is working on. Love it!

Here’s the link to take advantage of it and subscribe:  

Podcast expands to 11 networks … Follow us and learn …
new shows every Thursday.

GO to the SHOW page and select which podcast is for you… the latest will always be posted on top:

And, if you have listened, support our podcast and post a review. Thank you!

The AuthorU – Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast is now heard on eleven podcast channels. How cool is that? Listeners can tune into the weekly (always new – no repeats) show on:
Get the latest #AuthorU-Your Guide to #Book #Publishing radio podcast with @MyBookShepherd via iTunes here:

That’s my author and publishing news for today … what’s yours?
About Judith Briles, The Book Shepherd

Book Publishing expert Judith Briles, aka The Book Shepherd
has shepherded more than 1,000 authors and created 500 best-sellers and award-winning books. She knows publishing inside and out from both the traditional and independent sides. Judith is an advocate for authors within her blogs, podcasts and speaking engagements. What’s her pet peeve? Two words: publishing predators.

She hosts the podcast AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing that generates over 250,000 downloads a month. Her website is www.TheBookShepherd, email: and phone: 303-885-2207.

©2024 Judith Briles - The Book Shepherd™ All Rights Reserved.

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