Children’s author Justin Matott has been a storyteller all his life. His mother would ask
him to tell stories and jokes to her gatherings of friends, colleagues, and clubs and put
him on the stage as a young boy. The animated stories he told as a kid in Fort Collins to
her friends influenced the live performances and programs where he spends a lot of
time entertaining schools and conducting Creative Writing Workshops for kids.
While working in corporate management, sales, and marketing for a telecommunications
giant, he still found the time to write. Constantly inspired by those around him to "do
something with his gift" of storytelling, he began to write with the intention to
publish. Picked up by Random House after selling 5,000 copies of his self-published
children’s book in three weeks, he left the Corporate world to see if he could live the
dream of being an author/speaker as his vocation.
That was over twenty years ago. "If I hadn't had a wife and friends who believed in my
abilities, I likely would have kept my gift to myself. But the day my dad read one of my
manuscripts and said, "WOW, This is really good!" was the day I felt the freedom to let
my gift loose!" Over a million copies of his “gift” have reached children’s hands.
The biggest joy his writing has brought him as of late is meeting many young mothers
who enjoyed his books as kids and now are reading with their own kids. The other was
including his grandchildren in his most recent books Dinosaurs All Mixed
Up and Pooches All Mixed Up.
Books of note: Ol’ Lady Grizelda and I Think My Dog Might Be a Nerd